Masters de Tenis Aerosur

Tenis es llamado el deporte "blanco", también es considerado un deporte de élite. La idea de este arte era el de manchar el deporte blanco, hacerlo popular y que la gente desee ir a mirar este deporte, que vayan a este campeonato. Sacar la monotonía de tener el mismo público torneo tras torneo, y hacer que personas que nunca antes hayan mirado este deporte sientan necesidad de hacerlo.

El segundo arte es el folleto de información del torneo.

Tennis is called the "white" sport, is also considered to be an elite sport. The idea of this design was to stain the white sport, make it popular and make people wish to go and watch this sport, to go to this tournament. To get rid of the monotony of having the same crow over and over, and make people that have never watched this sport before, to feel the need to watch it.

The second designs is the information brochure of the tournament.

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